Another overnight thought session.

 Like most mornings, I woke up with a pressing issue on my mind that I've probably been processing during my sleep and I always come up with immediate actions I could take. Some of you know there has been a change in Adora and I've been trying to go over our situation together. I've come to these realizations.

1. Adora is what I named her, she is "A Dora the Explorer" She always wants to experience life and everything around her. She came to me in that spirit but I did like typical humans do. Took her in and restricted that explorer. There are sections of my house she can't go in because I have yet to make them pet-safe. Previously Rakishi never really carried about going in the basement or the back porch. Adora gets upset when I don't let her in those spaces. She wants full access.

2. She wants to go out. So with that in mind, I will need to get her Spay. I'm already setting up an appointment through PAWS to get that done. Since I don't really have to money to pay full price at any regular vet. By her bonding with me, she hates when I leave the house. At first, I didn't have employment and I wasn't out civically. Now I'm gone at least 3-4 days a week.

3. She is far more selective about the foods she will eat. At first, I use to get blue buffalo kitten food she loved it and would eat it up. Now because of time or availability, I've tried to give her different brands, and a lot of them she would look at me like "What the hell is this" and actually walk away. With money short I can't really go out here and experiment on what food she likes. Also I do remember when she first came into the house I would treat her like all my other cats and when I was in the kitchen I'd give her little bits. I did stop doing that. Which could be an issue also. 

For all those issues described above these are the lingering problems that keep me from accomplishing changing them. There was about a 4 year period between her and Rakishi where there were no cats in the house. During that period I had an exterminator come through several times laying things down for bug and mice. I have kept up with it for the most part. One of the issues I had when I brought Adora in the house was cleaning up all those pink bait packs. I've caught her several times finding one I missed. Forcing me to get on the floor and check and really clear out parts of the house. Which I successfully did the living and dining room but it took a while for me to make the kitchen safe. Now the only remaining areas are the back porch and the basement. With the latter being a humongous task. I still have my mother's and grandmother's clothes in bags down here. Which I seriously need help with. I want to clean these areas so She has full access to the house. 

As far as going out. If I get the PAWS appointment I could probably do Uber there and back but with my tight budget I don't know if I would be able to when the time came. I might have one or two people that may take me but its not guaranteed. If I can get past that it would be one hurdle to get past. The next. taking her out with me. I don't have too many places I can take her with me. I do have aspirations of traveling again. Which I will find a pet friendly hotel and take her with me. Transportation is an issue. At some point I probably would need a car. Working my IT business more and earning money that way would help but its been a real battle for me to market and get new customers as I'm not the best sales guy, I just know how to fix things. 

Food, with the price of things and my income its a stress just to keep food in the fridge for me and get food and litter for her. On my recent trip to the vet they gave me resources for food and other things for Adora. Now I just have to get there and back. I have to reach out to my few resources to see if anyone can take me there as it would be difficult to be on the bus. You might look at me and be like come on dude but at 52 I'm starting to suffer from issues with my knees and hips because of the years of me being this size and my injuries playing football and some workplace incidents also. 

So what do I hope from this disclosure of information. If anyone can help me with, cleaning up the house. If I can't get a ride to the vet and I can't afford to do Uber or Lyft to help me get there and back home. Lastly if your a pet owner and want to take advantage of the resources I talked about, take me with you. So I can get these things for her. What I realized over this time unless you have a specific ask your gonna get suggestions back on what you can do. I have enough suggestions I need actionable help. I'm not looking for someone to do everything for me I'm looking for that boost so I can get to a level where I can do this myself. I have too much pride to lean on anyone for a long period of time. My closest friends know that cause they get mad at me when I don't ask and I just suffer through things.


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